Category Archives: Peaches

Scooby Dooby Doo!

scoobyMy kids wanted to know what was for dinner.  So I told them.  “Lettuce sandwiches.”

They raised their eyebrows like they do when they aren’t sure if I’m kidding or not,  because let’s face it. You never really do know what you are going to get for meals around here.  See, I’ve been known to experiment a little too much, especially when I get all the goodies in my ​Wintergreen weekly box.  I like to mix things that don’t look like they should mix.  For instance, potatoes and spaghetti sauce.  Not usual, right?

Anyway, yes, lettuce sandwiches.  I don’t mean I made lettuce wraps (though that would not have been a bad idea).  I made sandwiches on whole wheat bread with a thin slice of organic chicken on it and a HUGE, thick chunk of red-bib lettuce.  The kids had to open their mouths W-I-D-E to even take a bite out of it, but I was pleased.  It was like they were getting a whole salad in their sandwich.  And that lead me to thinking.  Why not make something even more unusual?

So I got out my own bread, added a touch of chicken and began.  Lettuce.  Tomato.  Carrot.  Cucumber.  Green pepper.  Onion.  Ground beef.

And peach slices.


“Peaches, mom?  Really?”  The kids were horrified.

“You need to try it,” I said, taking a big bite of my awesome sandwich, which reminded me of something you’d see on “Scooby Doo.”  It was that tall and pretty much that odd.  “Come on.  Try it!”

My younger daughter took a bite.

“Weird, but not bad,” she said.

“Okay, I’ll try it,” said my other daughter.

Her reaction?  “Interesting.”

It was the peaches that did it.  See, those big, white, juicy peaches brought out the sweetness of the vegetables and the meat.  The peppers and onions made it tangy, and the meat gave it some substance.  A little odd, but good, right?

I wish I had taken a picture of the real deal, but I hadn’t planned on making such a great meal and blogging about it.  From now on, I am going to keep my camera in the kitchen, just in case.  You just never know when culinary genius will hit.